第3章 《祭祀》






























    When the bell toll, I kno the ceremony i about to begin.

    It" a family traition, hel every eighteen year on thi ay, here the family hot a gran an luuriou acrificial rite to honor our upreme eity.


    An I am the ole priete in thi ritual.


    Dree iricate vetment of a priete, I boar the palanquin boun for the temple uner my mother" aze. Before eparting, I follo the ol  of the family ahe priete" bleing upon the unborn chil in my mother" omb.


    The temple i built atop a mountain, an the palanquin top at the foot of the hill. With a evout heart, I a the tair leaing to the temple o a time.

    The path i long, an the ceremonial robe feel egly heavy, yet I o he epecte earine.

    From birth, I a taught to houler the reponibilitie of a priete.


    Up the temple, I ee everyone brimming ith hope, tear elling in their eye. They retreat naturally behin me, igniting the le in my han. I uan that the path ahea i mine aloo trea, for no oher than the priete i alloe ihe temple.


    The temple i ark; the oor open briefly bef again. Holing the only ource of light, I loly make my ay inie. I ear that no one ha ever entere here, for if they i, they oul ithe boren acro the floor.


    Upon eeing the o-calle eity, I am not urprie. I merely unre, making myelf reay for the "eity"" feat.


    From the very beginning, I kne I a the ole  in thi ceremony.


    The chil in my mother" omb i born. That i the   I leave to the family, the  "me". Ieen year, he too ill bee a priet.


    The ceremony ill not ceae; all ill be trappe in the cycle of rebirth. An I, I rite the beginning of thi tale.